Shadows will breathe

Shadows will breathe
"Careful. Evil has a way of making friends with the good and dragging them into the darkness." ~ Dr. Al Robbins

Thursday, July 19, 2018

The Keeper of the Gate

She looks strong and stoic and capable of anything.
She wears confidence like stone.
But her eyes...
Her eyes frighten me and I wonder if she wishes me harm.
I wonder if she's sad;
Or if she's just seen too much evil in her time that she had to pluck out her own eyes to keep from going insane;
Or perhaps this a form of punishment, a penance for her own sins that finally caught up with her.
I wonder.
I wonder if she'll ever be free.
And I wish that for her.
I wish her peace.


Image Cred: Imgur

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is the “Angel of Death, victorious” and when you stand close to her you can feel her sadness. Those eyes have seen so much..,