Shadows will breathe

Shadows will breathe
"Careful. Evil has a way of making friends with the good and dragging them into the darkness." ~ Dr. Al Robbins

Friday, January 31, 2020

The Invisible Man

What do you think, Creepsters?
Will this make your list?
Or is it just another unnecessary reboot?


Thursday, January 30, 2020

Monday, January 27, 2020

🎝Name that Wicked Jam 🎝

Know the words?
Then, name this tune in the comments below.
Click on the lyrics and find out if you're correct.


Friday, January 24, 2020

Potter Pets? 😍

Is this a thing?
Because if it is, it's wonderful!!!
(Thanks for sharing this, Creepster Jackie!)


Thursday, January 23, 2020

Show Me the Way

When that wicked hand of fate
reaches out of the darkness and grabs you by your throat,
will you be ready?
Will you fight?
Will you run?
Or will you succumb to its comfort
and welcome it to take you home?



Wednesday, January 22, 2020


This makes my day every time I see it.



Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Screams Of Joy

I know Christmas is well over 
but for me there is one present that keeps on giving.
I had to share this with all of you 
because I know there are so many of you who are Jack fans.  
This was my favorite Christmas gift 
(maybe of all time) 
and I’m reminded of how great it is everyday I pull on these socks.  
It was a twelve days of socks from the Nightmare Before Christmas collection 
(from my hubby) 
and I cannot quit bragging about it.  
So freaking awesome, right?! 
I tell him that I don’t think he’ll ever be able to top this one.
You like?


Monday, January 20, 2020


Are you the right kind of sinner?


Friday, January 17, 2020

Bloody Hell

You try and do something nice -

❤Thank you for the post, Creepster Sarissa.❤  


Thursday, January 16, 2020

Rumor Has It


Find out more HERE


Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Book Club Pick - 01.2020 📚😈

Evil's Library adds another book to its shelves.


Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Book Club Business

What a story.
What a read.
What a way to start out 2020.
This is my January pick for the Night Lights Book Club.

Neil Gaiman brings the creep with Coraline
a dark tale about a young girl who discovers an "other world" filled with 
sinister secrets and creepy versions of her life.

If you learn anything from this story let it be this-
 Don't let them sew buttons in your eyes.

Are you familiar with this creepy tale?
Maybe read the graphic novel?
Have you watched the movie?
Let me know and comment below.


❤A special Thank you to Creepster Jessica who introduced me to this story.❤

Monday, January 13, 2020

Courtney Love Is Back

In the vein of Friday's Post, this song seemed fitting for Music Monday.
Have you heard this one yet?

The sky screams out my name.


Friday, January 10, 2020

The Turning

Oh, my, yes.
This looks like an evil that must be seen.
And maybe shared.
Will you be watching?


Friday, January 3, 2020

Behind The Scenes

 The New Year brings about many changes for many people. 

 I am part of that group who is setting goals and wanting more for 2020.  
 Here, at Night Lights, I have some fresh ideas I will be incorporating into our community and some changes to generate more love and darkness around this place. 

 Don't get too excited or freaked out, because these changes will be  gradual and the transition smooth. 
 Just promise to stick around and like and share and communicate with us.

 Now, one thing that WILL stay the same is our book club.
 You have made it clear - through your messages to me, comments, emails, and conversation - that our book club is your favorite part of the Shadow Community.
 I will continue to post a monthly book pick for those who appreciate scary reads and tales of the macabre. You can follow The Night Lights Book Club here, on Facebook, Twitter, or on my YouTube channel.  

 In closing, Happy 2020 to all of you, my Creepsters.  Thank you for being here and spreading darkness and cheer.  I wish you everything good in the new year and the years to come.


Thursday, January 2, 2020

A Quiet Place Part II

Sweet Jesus, it's another one.
I'm not sure if you're a fan but I know when I watched the first part, it was super intense.
I hope this next chapter is just as good and edge-of-your-seat crazy.
Anyone see the first one?
Did you like it?
Are you excited about Part Two?
We want to know what you think.
Comment below!
