
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Lights out...

The darkness is creeping in
snuffing out the light
holding me down
stealing my breath
and leaving my soul
to wither


Wednesday, August 29, 2012


“The charm of horror only tempts the strong”

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Face to face

And I stood at the window
trying to distinguish 
the horrific features
of this creature
that dared
to stare
back at me.


Friday, August 24, 2012

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Don't let go...

"All you need to do is hold on tight...and believe."  
~Stephen King

Monday, August 20, 2012

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Friday, August 17, 2012


There was a lot of screaming...

Found pic here

Thursday, August 16, 2012


"Every one of those bees could have descended on me like a flock of angels and stung me till I died, and it wouldn't have been the worst thing to happen. 
 People who think dying is the worst thing don't know a thing about life." 
~Sue Monk Kidd~

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Monday, August 13, 2012

Big hug?

To embrace the darkness is to invite the evil.

Salt and pepper shakers (buy here)

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

House for Sale

Nightmare #41

It wasn’t until the third mortgage payment, that Johnna knew for sure.  She knew things had to change.  That’s when she began to work longer hours; leave the lights on all night; pray a bit more.

After six months in, Johnna knew she had to move.  There was no more denying it.  She realized this when the ceilings cracked and splintered without cause; when the various power outages could no longer be explained; when the shadows started to play peek-a-boo.

She could feel the eminent danger swelling up in that haunted house like hot air in a balloon.  So, she called the realtor and made arrangements.  Then, she called a friend and packed what she would need for the next couple of weeks.  She went to bed that night, pleased that she would be free of this awful place by morning’s light.

Hours later, Johnna awoke with a jolt.  She sprang up in bed, surrounded by darkness, unable to focus.  Her mind wrestled with a faded dream; or nightmare; or noise?

What happened to the lights?
Or her backup lanterns?
Everything was on when she fell asleep.
Everything was working then.
Was there another power outage?
Maybe a storm?

She knew better.
But what was it that woke her up?
What was it that got her attention? 

An odd, gurgling sound answered her.  This awful sound filled up the room, sounding like an army of bullfrogs by their pond.

Johnna gasped.

The noise stopped.

A minute of silence passed.

She heard it again.

The gurglings were back and this time they were closer to her.

Johnna’s heart raced, smacking against her chest like a hammer to a nail.  Beads of sweat trickled down her hairline and before she could grab for the flashlight on the nightstand, it grabbed her.

A hand - from out of the darkness - took hold of her forearm.  Its grasp on her was firm and cold - freezing, in fact - as though someone had placed a frozen slab of meat against her skin.

Johnna shook her head furiously, like a child refusing to eat vegetables, hoping to rid herself from the nightmare.

But this was no dream.  She was awake now, wide awake, and she was not alone.  Whatever lived here before her wanted her gone.

"I'm leaving tomorrow," she screamed into the darkness.  "Just let me go."

She struggled, trying to pull her arm free of the cold grasp.

Johnna whimpered.
She begged.
She cried.
She pleaded for her life.
Through her tears, she caught a glimpse of her reflection in the mirror.
The beginnings of a scream gathered in her voice box, as a huge, decrepit figure came out of the wall behind her.  It was an enormous creature with hollow eyes and a jelly-like form.  It spoke not a word out of its drooling mouth. Rather, it reached around her shoulders with its numerous, bony arms and placed one of its hands over her mouth to keep her from releasing that final scream. 


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

We are not alone

Is this life on Mars?!

found pic here

Follow the link below for the real story:

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Wrong Impressions

It's always the unlocked door that won't open ~
the unloaded gun that fires ~
the silence that deafens the ears.

Thursday, August 2, 2012